Saturday, March 24, 2007


my comment on the amibiguity of intent and artist
> relationship - i
> personnally usually have an intent - a concept -
> something i need to say
> whether it be a political, social or simply an
> emotional statement but the
> work always starts with a statement 'need'. As it
> evolves, and art does
> evolve in the process, the statement can encompass
> something not thought of
> prior or simply may flow into a cross- over of
> combined statement 'need'.
> This would be the intent. As to an audience
> reaction, I would hope that the
> viewer responds to not only the artist's intent,
> should they grasp it, but
> to the colour, texture and use of space. It is
> through these techniques
> that the intent is carried to the viewer. The
> purpose is always to get a
> rise - like or dislike but something. The art needs
> to be responded to in
> some manner. Colour assault; texture and visual
> assault - assault being
> pleasurable or not; disturbing or evoking
> compassion; excitement or a
> calming feel. Art is to evoke through
> representation, whether it be
> abstract, expressionistic or realism. To evoke
> through the use of colour,
> technique, use of space, medium. I am personally
> interested in that which
> makes the human mind and spirit work; not that the
> mechanism simply does
> but how and why it does.

> Erika Wain
> Trade Winds

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