Monday, August 23, 2010


A new species of bee was found at the Cowichan Garry Oak Preserve -

Mason-bee Cowichnius?

The non-aggressive mud-nest maker is among many of the bee species found at the preserve where native numbers are thriving due to the recovering site's diverse ecology so world Mason Bee expert, Terry Griswold, and Simon Fraser University biologist Elizabeth Elle reported. " The preserve has done a great job of getting rid of invasive species... Helped by a flock of sheep nibbling the preserve's invasive plant and grass shoots, and saving its native wildflowers. Eco-divsity is boosted by bees pollinating and fertizing all plants - including crops. ..Out of every three bites you eat give thanks to a bee." SPOTLIGHT May issue 2010
BC Canada


Andrew's Reclaimed said...

Very interesting! Where can I read more?

erika said...

check the publication itself or go on and put in the key words - that ought to DO it. thanks for the read...